Your ability to defend yourself from an attack starts with quality instruction. To ensure that you get the best training in Krav Maga, we maintain a current affiliation with Israeli Krav International (IKI) out of Maaleh Adumim, Israel. We are partnered with Salsa City Fitness so you can learn Krav Maga locally in Troy, Ohio. Head Instructor, Jeff Webb, holds a 4th Dan Black Belt and Level 5 (Master) Instructor certification with IKI. Jeff also has a M.Ed. in Leadership and has over 17 years of teaching experience.

Basic Combative
Learning how to defend and strike are found in every class. We also include chokes, locks and holds.

Knife Defense
Dealing with a knife attack or threat can be both scary and deadly. Krav Maga engrains a reactionary method of defenses that will increase your chances of survival.

Gun Defense
While some schools teach pistol defenses, we also cover long gun and rifle defense. We make sure as many scenarios are covered as possible.

Ground Fighting
Fighting from the ground is one of the most dangerous situations. We include gun and knife defense with hand-to-hand ground combat scenarios.

Trusted Instructors
Murders Per Hour
Violent Crimes Per Hour
Reported Rapes Per Hour
Aggravated Assaults Per Hour

Are You Ready
There’s not a better time to start learning than now. An assailant will not wait for you to be in “better shape” or “healed up” from an injury. We can teach you how to defend against attacks just the way you are. Krav Maga is a system that allows ANYONE to be effective.
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You do not need to be in shape to be effective in defending yourself. If you want to lose weight, you can. The classes are designed to push you to a higher heart rate so weight loss may very well happen. You can train as hard or as soft as you like.
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No Intimidation
People who belittle or make fun of others are not permitted. Our classes are here to help everyone in every way possible. Don’t worry about the attitude that can be seen in other defense classes, that isn’t here.
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